Gambling involves wagering something of value on a random event with the hope of winning something else of value. This activity has been observed at both the individual and community levels, and impacts can be positive or negative. These effects have been attributed to factors such as recreational interest, diminished mathematical skills, poor judgment, cognitive distortions, mental illness, moral turpitude, and social repercussions.
While some people can stop gambling at a loss, it is harder for those who are predisposed to gambling addiction. They may have genetic or psychological predispositions to over-gamble, leading to a downward spiral that ends with them experiencing significant problems. It is also easy for them to get caught up in the euphoria of winning and getting hooked. The reward pathway in the brain is stimulated each time they win, giving them a rush and feeling of well-being that makes it hard to control their impulses.
Problem gambling is a complex disorder that affects all ages, races and economic statuses. It is a common source of stress and anxiety, and it can lead to substance abuse and homelessness. It can also interfere with personal relationships, work and school, and cause physical health problems. It can even lead to suicide.
In the past, pathological gamblers were viewed as having a medical problem and a compulsion to gambling. This understanding changed in 2013, when the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) was updated to recognise pathological gambling as an addictive behaviour akin to a drug addiction. It is often referred to as a ‘hidden addiction’ because it can be hidden by a person’s family and friends who don’t recognise the behaviour as a problem.
One of the key factors in a person developing a gambling problem is their desire for short-term relief from their stress. They might be trying to escape from financial or emotional difficulties in the short term, but this can only last for a limited amount of time and will only make matters worse in the long run. Another factor is that people who gamble are often influenced by their peers and the media. This can lead them to overestimate their chances of winning, as they might have seen stories on the news about other people who won big or heard about someone they know who had a string of lucky wins.
It’s important to consider all the negative and positive effects of gambling when assessing the impact it has on society. When studies focus only on problematic gambling, they tend to underestimate the overall impact and overlook the fact that many harms are experienced by non-problem gamblers. Using the public health approach, all impacts of gambling should be considered when calculating their costs to society. This article will review complementing and contrasting views on the positive and negative impacts of gambling. It will highlight a conceptual model that incorporates all of these views in a coherent way to provide a foundation for a common methodology for studying the impacts of gambling.