The master passion of journalism is love of news. When news reports are analyzed, they stand up like people, while editorials wither away like weeds. The master passion in journalism is to love news and to report the truth. This is the only law of journalism. A journalist cannot lie. If an article does not contain the facts, it becomes a false report.
Impact of an event
There are several factors that affect the impact of an event on the news. The first is the nature of the event itself. A big event such as a natural disaster or a war may spark new activities that get covered by the media. It may also change the criteria used to select the news. These changes can lead to the appearance of an increased number of genuine events. In this scenario, the media will report on past events more frequently and give greater coverage to new events. This will create the impression that both events are very similar to the key event.
Exclusivity in news is an important part of the news dissemination process. It is essential to protect the public’s right to know. However, exclusivity should not be based on the monopoly of a single publisher.
The shareability of news is determined by the number of shares that a story receives. This factor is also considered when determining the value of news. Shareable news is likely to attract more social media engagement than non-shareable news.
In the nineteenth century, timeliness became an increasingly important issue. As news was increasingly delivered to readers via telegraph, newspapers began to set publication dates for their stories. In addition, they became subject to more powerful sources who could manipulate publication dates, making it difficult to deliver news that was fresh. Many newspapers began raising the dates they published mail correspondence in order to better convey the sense of freshness in the news.
Inverted pyramid style of news
An inverted pyramid style of writing is an effective way to inform your audience about a news story. This format highlights the most important points of a story and states the thesis, followed by supporting material. This approach has several advantages.
Value of positive overtones
There is a growing body of evidence showing that people prioritize negative news over positive news. According to Stuart Soroka, this is due to the neurological propensity to seek negative news. However, recent research suggests that positive stories are more likely to be shared on social networks, arguing that humans are misguided in their preference for negative news.